by Tomoshige Jōji | Jan 31, 2015 | Uncategorized
Punk CatgirlFirst finished artwork of 2007! Woo!So, I was down at Ohayocon in Columbus, OH hanging with a ton of really cool people all weekend. While down there, I was taking a break from the con action, chilling with my friends Jan Scott-Frazier and the ever...
by Tomoshige Jōji | Jan 31, 2015 | Uncategorized
Red Bird: Abstract Still LifeThis was the first piece in our Drawing I class for the Abstract section of class. It was the Still Life drawing. Just a bunch of random stuff again. It’s a bold drawing full of tension. Used lots of blacks on this one. As a final...
by Tomoshige Jōji | Jan 31, 2015 | Uncategorized
Ode to Jackson PollockThis was a little piece of random. I had gotten a new version of Painter and was just playing around and ended up with this. It reminded me of a crazy Jackson Pollock painting, so that’s what we have. The poor guy in the colorful muck is...
by Tomoshige Jōji | Jan 31, 2015 | Uncategorized
REdux: GohanI was able to find a good pile of the artwork that I did while I was in the Philippines. I’ve wanted to do a recoloring job on a lot of those pieces since, well, I’m much better at coloring now than I was back in 1996. This is the first one of...
by Tomoshige Jōji | Jan 31, 2015 | Uncategorized
REdux: Sailor MoonHere’s one of the pieces in my REdux series. This time it’s Usagi from Sailor Moon. Looking much better with the coloring this time than it did here with the colored pencils. Enjoy! Inked Pencil drawing on sketch paperColored in Adobe...