by Tomoshige Jōji | Sep 13, 2015 | Uncategorized
Hey, lookie! Colors on Cap’s Sketchcard mini. #captainamerica #sketchcard #lbcc @longbeach_cc (at Long Beach Comic Con)
by Tomoshige Jōji | Jul 24, 2015 | Uncategorized
Here’s the first of what I hope will be something fun for Long Beach Comic Con. My first sketch card mini! (With many props to @katiecandraw for the insights into the paper setup. Thanks, Katie!) It’s Cap himself! #sketchcard #captainamerica #minisketch...
by Tomoshige Jōji | Jul 10, 2015 | Uncategorized
Marvel! #sdcc #CaptainAmerica #AgentCarter #Loki #Vision #IronMan (at San Diego Comic Con International)