Upside Down Luna

A Link to the Oni

Happy-Go-Lucky Captain Marvel

Spider-Gwen Finds the Tesseract

Sailor Moon says "Ohayo!"

Rocket: Guardian

Blinding Rage of C.U.T.E.: Alexis

Holiday Elf Help

Welcome to tekitsuneART

Greetings! Welcome to tekitsuneART, the place where you can find all the artstuffs you want from artist and colorist Tomoshige Jōji. Come on in and take a look around. I’m glad you’re here.

If you want to get any help with your comics or media project, give me a holler. I’m here to help make your project a success.


Kit is finally starting to realize the predicament he… er, she, is in. New page? For real? Could be! A closeup of the upcoming Page 10! #foxtailsinc #webcomic (at Atomicfoxtail Studios)

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Hey, lookie! Colors on Cap’s Sketchcard mini. #captainamerica #sketchcard #lbcc @longbeach_cc (at Long Beach Comic Con)

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Second! It’s Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle. Poor Twilight! #mlp #lbcc @longbeach_cc (at Long Beach Comic Con)

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First art of the day. Inks on my Kitty Pride X-Men #sketchcover! #kittypryde #xmen @longbeach_cc #lbcc (at Long Beach Comic Con)

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𝕏: jojitomo

𝕏: tekitsuneART